Li-Ion Battery Condition Monitoring

Battery Condition Monitor

At ScioSense we care about the environment we live in, and our sensors give automotive manufacturers the choice and flexibility they need.

The amount of computing power in today’s cars helps ensure we can all have safer and more enjoyable journeys that are easier on the environment. But all that computing power needs raw data to make the right decisions. From controlling the interior environment to monitoring battery systems, ScioSense offers both off-the-shelf modules and bespoke sensor solutions.

Electrical vehicles and battery systems
The rise in plug-in hybrid and full electric vehicles has been exponential in recent years. But while battery driven systems bring many environmental benefits and are rigorously designed and tested, they do require close monitoring to alert both drivers and passengers in the unlikely event of a failure. 

The BCM1 (Battery Condition Monitor) is a fully automotive-qualified module for condition monitoring and early detection of thermal runaways in Li-Ion batteries.

Battery Condition Monitoring

Figure 1: Automotive Battery Condition Monitor


BCM1 with Delphi


