A wakeup receiver is a special low powered / low data rate (up to a few kbps) receiver. It’s main function is to awaken the host system it is connected to.
The receiver’s wakeup signal can be used to turn on a microcontroller, transmitter, or a wide variety of other devices. The receiver can either simply await detection of a carrier signal at the appropriate frequency, or for additional accuracy can be set to look for a special signal pattern before issuing a wakeup.
Wakeup receivers typically utilize the low frequency range (30kHz~300kHz), as it allows for lower power consumption.
ScioSense LF wake up receivers show best-in-class sensitivity, lowest power consumptions and wide frequency range.
As a specialist in environmental and flow sensor technology, ScioSense enables companies to use the planet’s resources more sustainably, helping to create a healthier future for all.